Neo: A new rank in a wolf pack that is superior to the alpha. Nft art poem perception drawing.
In a world of shadows, where deception thrives,
A single eye, unblinking, survives.
Amidst the chaos, the lies, and the spells,
This eye sees through, like ringing bells.
No trick can fool, no tale can get away,
For truth is the only path, come what may.
I am no drum, to be beaten and played,
My rhythm is mine, my own serenade.
Though nightmares may come, with their twisted schemes,
I hold fast to hope, to the power of dreams.
In the darkest of nights, when all seems lost,
I chase the light of knowledge, no matter the cost.
For knowing empowers, a beacon so bright,
Guiding my steps, through the thickest of night.
While others seek thrills, a fleeting high,
I seek wisdom, a truth that never dies.
In a field of sheep, where conformity reigns,
I stand as a Neo wolf, unbound by their chains.
My howl is unique, my path is my own,
I will not blend in, I will not be cloned.
For in this world, where sameness is praised,
I choose to be different, to be unfazed
By the opinions of others, their shallow desires;
I follow my own light, my own inner fires.
So let the eye see, through the mist of deceit,
Let it pierce the illusion, let it never retreat.
For in a world of simulations, where nothing is clear,
The eye that sees truth is the one to revere.
And though the path may be lonely, the journey long,
I will not falter; I will remain strong.
For I am the Neo wolf, the seeker of light,
In a world full of sheep, I will stand and fight.
For my dreams, my hopes, my unique voice,
I will never surrender; I will make my own choice.
To stay true to myself, to the heart's steady beat,
In a world built on falsehood, I'll stand on my feet.
-by db 2024