Black Moon Lilith


Black Moon Lilith

A portrait collection of Black Moon Lilith. This edition shows the introspective side of her and demonstrates her powerful mental psychic energy and intuitive connection to the power of the moon

Black Moon Lilith A portrait collection edition of Black Moon Lilith. This collection shows the introspective side of her and demonstrates her powerful mental psychic energy. It highlights the intuitive connection she has to a spiritual portal channeled through the moon directly into her consciousness. Anyone with prominent Black Moon Lilith in their chart are extremely psychic and have a natural talent for sorcery She is a major character at The Bonview art gallery. Her various interpretations in different collections at The Bonview demonstrate the various energies she possesses. She is an intriguing spiritual characater. Her energy carries serious interpretive weight in the field of astrology. A true astrology reading cannot be done without considering her energetic role and placement in connection to the planetary positions. While many people fear, scorn and shun her, she is nevertheless a powerful and amazing spirit. It is for this exact reason that she is deemed an outcast. Wherever you find her energy you will also find the energy of an oppressor. Wherever she exists there will always be an opposite energy trying to destroy her power. She is the ultimate anarchist. The original defiant woman. She will never be broken by patriarchal systems or ego domination. Black Moon Lilith cannot be destroyed. She has the reputation of being a sort of demon woman. Lilith was the original woman. She became an outcast when she wouldn't submit to Adam. She then morphed into a sort of animalistic creature when she left society to wander the woods. She is connected to primal magical spiritual dimensions channeled through the moon and brought down to earth. She is a vessel connecting spirit and earth like a magnet by channelling the emotional energy of the moon. She is the embodiment of true authenticity. She is very powerful and will display great rage from injustice inflicted on her. She carries trauma from victimization done to her by those who fear her and try to stomp out her unyielding primal authenticity. She emits strong sexual vibrations. She is who she is and will never be fake. For this reason she is hated by those who wish her to submit to the belief systems of society and patriarchal cultures. Black Moon Lilith is feared because she is connected to pure spiritual power and can see through all fake pretenses. She will forever rebel against all attempts to dominate and submit her.

Launch date: June 06, 2023
14 NFTs

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