Spirit of the Drum


Spirit of the Drum

It is through the rhythmic beat of the drum that the spirit lady of the drum is called to visit. She provides access to powerful spiritual dimensions to anyone who syncs up to her vibration.

The Spirit Of The Drum. There is significant spiritual power in drums and drum beats. It is through the rhythmic beat of the drum that the spirit lady of the drum is called to visit. She provides access to powerful spiritual dimensions to anyone who syncs up to her vibration. This occurs with consistent rhythmic drumming. Drums possess much potential for powerful spiritual travel. It is this drum spirit who is called upon when one enters a hypnotic trance through drumming. Many indigenous traditions worldwide understand this. It is the spirit of the drum that shamanic practices of central and east asia and some indigenous native american tribes utilize to perform healing cermonies. It is also a traditional practice of the medicine people of Indigenous Native Tribes thoughout the Americas where this practice exists. As well as in various cultures throughout Africa and India. Anyone can access the spirit of the drum through the hypnotic trance that can occur with a deep and focused drumming practice. The spirit of the drum is the reason that drums are considered sacred objects in many cultures. Shamans in particular take great care to protect the sanctity of their drums. The most powerful shamans in the world have an ongoing relationship with this spirit of the drum. They use the drum to go into a trance state where they are then able to travel to other spiritual dimensions. While very rare there have been historical cases of shamans dieing when someone has destroyed their drum. This occurs because they have bonded so intrinsically with the spirit of the drum that part of their energetic life force exists in these spiritual dimensions where this spirit dwells. The drum can provide skilled practioners the ability to call down numerous spiritual powers by connecting to this spirit. These powers can be used for healing, blessings, magic, and sorcery. The drum is a powerful tool for meditiative practices. Dancing to the drum beat is another way for people to connect to this spirit. Religions and spiritual traditions worldwide consciously or unconsciously connect to this spirit through their drumming and dancing traditions.

Launch date: June 06, 2023
21 NFTs

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