To be Enlightened, transformation, from what was to what will be. An adjective, a verb, a proper noun, also known as a poem.
Exploring the stars, what wonders await?
World upon world spinning threads of fate.
Scientists say infinite realities hide unseen,
Across the multiverse, a landscape ungleaned.
A maze of dimensions, weird and wild,
With lavish laws reality compilers styled.
In endless variety, what bizarre domains unfurl?
Why think our singular dimension girds all possible worlds?
Probe imagination to stranger climes yet,
Where matrix makers things virtual beget.
Perhaps we dwell in a flawless simulation,
Existence programmed with precision honed creation.
Are alien coders learning from the lives we lead?
Do they observe to meet inscrutable needs?
Maybe they fine tune the rhythms of our days and nights,
Adjusting variables beyond our flawed mortal sights.
What emerging truth underlies this age?
Does data determine form on each stage?
Do infinite worlds turn outside our bubble?
Are we real or rendered by forces subtle?
While it strains belief what surprises may hide,
In cosmic workings normal minds can’t abide.
One fact remains inside this unlikely measure,
Something gifting consciousness, experiencing pleasure.
Be it machine or multiverse at play,
We breathe, we question, we find our way.
Disk or dimension, we have our place,
In all creation, no matter who authors our days.
Written by db 2023
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