The Immortal Apes


The Immortal Apes

Only on Opensea! This work of imagination uses real names and locations to raise awareness of the devastating impact of human activities on the natural world.

Only on Opensea! The Last Few Life is a series of limited edition of 1000 NFTs that features the last surviving apes in a world where only bats and plants are alive. This work of imagination uses real names and locations to raise awareness of the devastating impact of human activities on the natural world.

These apes have an abnormal physique that sets them apart from their extinct relatives. Their intelligence and adaptability are unparalleled, making them the perfect survivors in a world that has been decimated by human greed and neglect.

The Last Few Life is not meant to be taken literally. The limited edition of 1000 NFTs is a symbolic representation of the importance of preserving our environment and the creatures that inhabit it. By adopting one of these apes, you are making a statement that you care about the planet and are committed to stopping the cruelty with nature and ensuring that future generations can enjoy the beauty and diversity of our world's precious resources.

Also Seeking for funding to market the project in change of an equity.

Launch date: March 07, 2023
1000 NFTs

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