The Coonies NFT


The Coonies NFT

5k Special NFT collection of the COOLEST, COONIEST $COONS on the Aptos Blockchain.

The Cooniverse 5k Special NFT collection of the COOLEST, COONIEST $COONS on the Aptos Blockchain The Story of The Coonies NFT collection is about a civilization of the desendants of the Raccons on a planet called COOLIUM hence refered to as the coonies their civilization is made of the 12 disticive clans i.e kings,Explorers,Wizards,Ty Coons,Pirates,Love Zingers,Escavators,Warriors,Questers,Hipnoids,Pukernoids, Boomers

Origin Of The Coonies - (Backstory) Legend has it that the cooniverse was created by two extra ordinary coons. One was a blind wizard with pukernoid powers, the other was a hypnoid. The blind wizard had in its possession a magical map and a stone tab the hypnoid had a chest filled with magical potions. Together they both created life & civilization on coolium a planet now inhabited by the coonies. In total, the duo created 12 distinctive coon clans. But life and civilization on collium is now treathened by the disappearance of the stone tab as it contains the source code that creates life on coolium it is rumored that the creators of the APTOS Blockchain are in possession of this source code the coonies have invaded the chain in search on the STONE TAB .

Launch date: March 23, 2023
4998 NFTs

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