Shiloh and the Spirit Realm


Shiloh and the Spirit Realm

In Shiloh and the Spirit Realm, we see how web3 technology can be used to create new and innovative forms of storytelling. It is an ever-evolving web3 movie and multiplayer metaverse.

In Shiloh and the Spirit Realm, we see how web3 technology can be used to create new and innovative forms of storytelling. It is an ever evolving web3 movie and multiplayer metaverse.

The story follows our protagonist, Shiloh, who discovers a mysterious mask and, upon wearing it, is transported to the Spirit Realm – a parallel world inhabited by spirits. In this new realm, Shiloh must embark on a journey to find his true identity and ultimately return to the land of the living.

The outcome of Shiloh's journey will be decided by our community; NFT holders can vote on what happens next as each new chapter unfolds. As we add new chapters to the movie, we will also expand the metaverse with content based off the movie.

The original collection is 5000 PFP NFTs. NFT owners have access to a gated Discord where they can discuss what happens next in the film. They will also receive access to exclusive content later in 2023 when the team releases a web3 game based on the movie.

"Shiloh and the Spirit Realm" was developed by XELEVEN, a metaverse studio founded by Stacie Ant and Aaron J. Cunningham. Both Ant and Cunningham have extensive backgrounds in digital art and blockchain technology.

Ant is a digital artist and creative director who has worked for major brands such as Nike and Adidas, and has had her art featured in publications such as Vogue Magazine and Vice. She often exhibits her work internationally, in 2022 she showed her art work in Paris, Berlin, LA, Toronto, NYC, London, and more.

Cunningham is a developer with over eight years of experience in the blockchain industry, having worked for companies such as IOST and Coinsquare, as well as the metaverse company RaveSpace and Musee Dezentral. He also has a background in art and music, his work has been featured in VICE, Billboard, and more.

Launch date: December 27, 2022
5000 NFTs


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