Satoshi Doggomoto


Satoshi Doggomoto

The Satoshi Doggomoto NFT Collection consists of 2,100 randomly-generated pixel artwork avatars...

The Satoshi Doggomoto NFT Collection consists of 2,100 randomly-generated pixel artwork avatars

We made the project's base price only .021 ETH to democratize access to the project so it is accessible for virtually anyone and give you opportunity for huge growth.

We wanted our artwork to be cool and fun, but also to be meaningful - so every attribute has a meaning or reference to Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, NFTs, memes, or popular figures in the crypto community.

The Satoshi Doggomoto community is built for broad appeal and reach, and our community's long-term mission is driving mainstream acceptance of cryptocurrency and NFTs.

We have a comprehensive approach to building the project and your asset’s resale value long-term that includes memes, merch, a charity auction of a portion of this collection that will raise over 105 ETH, a private community, a premium art collection, and more. The token also acts as free access and/or first access to ALL future projects in our ecosystem. We have a dedicated existing community on Instagram that started well before this NFT project, so you can have confidence we will be around for a long time to come.

Launch date: January 01, 2022

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