Riding Hero


Riding Hero

Riding Hero, an animated NFT collection, comprises 10,000 fully dressed heroes astride armored horses, each intricately designed with distinct, unique animation effects, vibrant colors, and weaponry.

The primary objective of Riding Hero is to transport art enthusiasts and history buffs alike into immersive war and camp scenes, allowing them to witness the power, camping spirit, emotion, and courage embodied by these remarkable historical warriors. Key Highlights of Riding Hero:

  • Fully Dressed Heroes and Armored Horse: Every hero is mounted on an armored galloping horse, adding an extra layer of detail and symbolism.
  • Unique Animation Effects: From dynamic fog and steam to eye-catching color variations, each hero features a rich tapestry of animation effects that make the collection visually stunning and emotionally resonant.
  • Dynamic Animations of Horse and Hero: The animations featuring the horse and hero not only contribute to the aesthetic appeal but also convey a sense of power and might.
  • Matching Glow Colors for Traits: The thoughtful integration of matching glow colors for traits enhances the cohesiveness and harmony.
Launch date: January 12, 2024
10000 NFTs

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