Recursive Tokyo Vintage 78


Recursive Tokyo Vintage 78

"Recursive Tokyo Vintage 78" is a collection of abstract representations of Tokyo with Vintage elements, using the historic Vintage Sats called Block 78 and Ordinals' Recursive Inscription technique

"Recursive Tokyo Vintage 78" is a collection of abstract representations of Tokyo with Vintage elements, using the historic Vintage Sats called Block 78 and Ordinals' Recursive Inscription technique.The collection is inspired by the Vintage elements of traditional Japanese shrines, fans, Japanese umbrellas, and dharma dolls, the overprinting technique used in Ukiyo-e prints, and the randomness of Generative Art.Based on three photos taken in Asakusa, Tokyo in the summer, the artist generated over 3,000 pieces by overlaying the photos in random order and position, and carefully selected 78 pieces. All inscriptions are inscribed on Block 78 Vintage Sats.

Bitcoin Ordinals

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