Rams Syndicate


Rams Syndicate

The metaverse is currently being built… but its underworld society has already formed a syndicate. Which gang of criminals will gain supremacy? Only you can decide… The Syndicate was created...

The metaverse is currently being built… but its underworld society has already formed a syndicate. Which gang of criminals will gain supremacy? Only you can decide…

The Syndicate was created to bring together once competing gangs like the thieves, coiners, rioters, coppers, and gamblers as they could not afford internecine strife. Therefore, 6000 horned members, disguised as ERC-721 tokens, have gathered up and united their force to achieve total dominance. They are going incognito for now hidden in the ETH blockchain safehouses, casinos, banks, police stations, and dens, so the first step is to discover what ram dwells in you.

The Syndicate plan is to take control of the metaverse and its businesses, so be the decisive factor. Be a part of the power games played by the mobs, be the steam that spins the wheels of the scenario, be the puppet master of the meta world.

Presale Date: 5 December 2021
Public sale Date: 12 December 2021

Price: 0.04 ETH
Supply: 6000 NFTs 

Launch date: December 05, 2021

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