PreNFT Pen Work


PreNFT Pen Work

Over two decades worth of work, all free hand, hand drawn with no references straight from the imagination. The majority of the work IRL fits on less then a half sheet of letter sized paper.

When I start a piece it is usually not an idea I was to get out but music that I connect with. Theses older works get refined and puched in a direction usually about halfway through.

There is over two decades worth of work, all free hand, hand drawn with no references straight from the imagination. The majority of the work IRL fits on less then a half sheet of letter sized paper.

My smallest piece is roughly the size of a half-dollar and my largest piece, not listed, about the size of a tabloid sheet of paper.

You will see mostly black pen and little color. My first color piece is the Exotic Fish. Looking back as an artist digitizing these older works into NFTs helps me move forward and have less weight as I grow.

Launch date: March 03, 2023
17 NFTs

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