Pork 1984


Pork 1984

Claim the freedom of oink! The Pork 1984 is a collection of 9840 unique Pork NFTs that live on the ETH blockchain in a society where the government prohibits self-expression....

Claim the freedom of oink!

The Pork 1984 is a collection of 9840 unique Pork NFTs that live on the ETH blockchain in a society where the government prohibits self-expression. Every Pork has unique traits, names, and titles. There are even some with hidden traits such as preferences, bad habits, and hours worked at the Factory.

Free Claim for every NFT owner of Genesis Pork 1984 from the first chapter. Unlock and claim a randomly generated NFT from the second and third chapters (+gas).

Launch date: January 17, 2022

See Also