Pizza Buddies


Pizza Buddies

Pizza Buddies is a collection of 2222 free and delicious NFTs. We made it for all of the NFT and Pizza lovers and launched it across the best Polygon communities.

The main idea was to create a Pizza collection like no other, as every one of them only had 1 layer of flavor, so it was not possible to get the pizza ingredients as one love. Thats why we divided the ingredients into layers, and now every meat lover, vegetarian o even hawaian pizza lover can get theirs.

Launch: We made a 10 days launch where owners of certain collections could mint 1 Pizza Buddies per wallet and phase.

Main benefits:

  • ICE token earning for the owners of Pizza Holders.
  • 50% of all resales fees are being split through our smart contract where all the owners can claim, holding more pizzas gives more percentage of the amount.
Launch date: November 18, 2022
2222 NFTs


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