Initially, the project was not conceived as a meme for a famous incident that happened to a famous politician.
Initially, the project was not conceived as a meme for a famous incident that happened to a famous politician. However, later the idea came to make that same fly popular, to give it style. Make her a hero and a personality. This is how Johnny Pencefly was born. The idea is simple: I bought some flies from stock photos, bought mini things, and took photos of them. Next, I manually applied them to the flies. And so 5000 thousand NFT) The collection has a structure: 5 levels of coolness of Pencefly(and his friend Mr. Green). As in any PFPs collection, I have common and rare items, combinations of them. It’s like a collection, but also photo art, and that’s probably what makes it unique. And here's the view from above))) In general, Johnny Pencefly loves you all, and would really like to have his fans, since in the future his creator has other ideas with which he may surprise you.
But the project also has a real idea: if you like it and breathe life into it, then Pencefly plans to create an online store for branded cool things, and develop a profit distribution system for NFT Pencefly holders. ChatGPT said that this is possible. And we will do it!