Open Head NFT


Open Head NFT

Open Head NFT is the first fully transparent on-chain Raffles NFT. Raffles are hosted in our Smart Contract, and the Raffle funds are locked in a wallet only accessible by our Smart Contract - not even our devs have access to it...

Open Head NFT is the first fully transparent on-chain Raffles NFT.

Raffles are hosted in our Smart Contract, and the Raffle funds are locked in a wallet only accessible by our Smart Contract - not even our devs have access to it. This will be proven by auditing our Smart Contract through a 3rd Party Company and sharing the results publicly.

The Open Head Manifesto!

Greetings from the 23rd Century, where mankind’s composition has undergone a somewhat sheer evolutionary development!

As you can see, us humans are no longer born with the top of our heads sealed off to the elements. Sure, it can get a little cold during winter – but the boost in information intake and worldly perspective is nothing short of incredible… 

Never fear, 2021 Human – we at Open Head NFT are here to share with you every glory of being a literally open-minded person. 

We only ask that you don’t lose your head entirely when you learn just how exciting our project is. It may sound too good to be true but such a reaction is simply the interpretation of a closed mind.

You see, with true open-mindedness comes powerful visions, with which we have chosen to return to your time and present most gloriously in this non-fungible form.

Stick with us and your head shall soon be as open as ours. Your wallet may well become a little fatter, too…

Launch date: November 16, 2021

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