


Chimps on chain, 1 chimp = 1 vote.

What's @OnChainChimps?

5,555 Chimps living on the Blockchain forever.

Our mint will take place on the Indelible Labs platform on 4th December.

Our Allowlist will open for 48 hours and then public will begin straight after.

Allow list = 0.006 ETH ( roughly 6$ ) Public Mint = 0.012 ETH ( roughly 12$ )

a % of mint funds and all royalties will be going to a community vault.

Chimps will have a voting portal for OCC holders to participate in project development and spending. One Chimp equals one vote on all community proposals. Community members can make their own proposals, this is about building a project with the community.

Right after mint we will be building matching characters to holders metadata for web3 integration in games like WorldWideWeb3 and Pixels Online and also integrating to other platforms that may be available.

Moving forward our aim will be to utilize all gaming tools available and spread the OCCs throughout Web3.

1 chimp = 1 vote we’re doing things differently! We are building a community of builders with various skills and vibes, where all holders get a say.

Transparent and open, no-one can change the rules without the communities agreed consent, more than just a PFP, let’s build a community that look out for each-other.

The main idea behind the OnChainChimps Voting portal is to create an decentralised community of like-minded people where every member has a vote on how the Chimps progress and navigate Web3 and vote on future Project Developments.

Launch date: December 04, 2022
5555 NFTs


See Also