Multiverse of Women


Multiverse of Women

Move over boys! The women are here - and we've got an entire Multiverse! Do you feel like you missed out on projects like World of Women? Well now it's...

Move over boys! The women are here - and we've got an entire Multiverse!

Do you feel like you missed out on projects like World of Women? Well now it's time for the M u l t i v e r s e

10,000 unique randomly generated digital collectibles of various rarity, each inspired by powerful women throughout herstory.

The Multiverse of Women aims to give back to the community (and the world!) in a BIG way. Here's just one example of one of our goals:

Feed 10,000 hungry children in need across the globe. That's not a typo. Ten Thousand.

This is not your ordinary NFT project. This is a community. A community that will change the world.

Launch date: October 29, 2021

See Also