


"Metamorphosis" is the pinnacle collection to my signature Visionary Cubism Style. Operating in complete flow State on these hand drawn works allows my active meditation and present moment experience to fully materialize

I am always in a natural state of refinement in my Art. "Metamorphosis" is the pinnacle collection to my signature Visionary Cubism Style. Operating in complete flow State on these hand drawn works allows my active meditation and present moment experience to fully materialize. I strive to act as a mirror for my viewers through embedding multiple faces, animals, and abstraction elements to my artwork. I want the viewers to FEEL the injected energy in order to allow your minds eye to come alive. Black backgrounds with bright flowing swoops and cuts will instill a feeling of peace and contentment for your own life. Just as a butterfly is born, melting down its previous form in order to transform into its flight body. This is Metamorphosis!


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