Matos Club


Matos Club

Utopian vision of young padawans learning inside of the Matos lodge deep in the remote woods. Flourishing, focused, in their own lane.

In a far-off land, there was a mystical Matos lodge hidden deep within the remote woods. The lodge was a place of learning, where young padawans gathered to explore the mysteries of the web3, NFTs, and the metaverse.

The padawans who attended the Matos lodge were a diverse group of individuals, each with their own unique talents and skills. Some were skilled programmers, while others were gifted artists, writers, or musicians. But all of them shared a passion for exploring the frontiers of the digital world.

Despite the challenges of their chosen path, the padawans thrived in the utopian environment of the Matos lodge. They were focused, driven, and completely committed to their vision of the future. They pushed each other to new heights of creativity and innovation, and supported each other through the inevitable setbacks and failures that come with any new endeavor.

In the end, the utopian vision of the padawans at the Matos lodge proved to be a powerful force for change. Their work paved the way for a new era of digital innovation, one where creativity, community, and purpose reigned supreme. And as they looked back on their journey, the padawans knew that they had been part of something truly special, something that would continue to inspire and motivate generations of digital pioneers for years to come.

Launch date: May 18, 2022
100 NFTs


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