Nft Art Poem About Beauty Flying So High.
Beauty Flies High-
As higher and higher she started to fly.
Majestic and graceful, she climbed through the air,
Her hair shone like gold, her raiment most fair.
The earth fell away as she rose out of sight,
A vision of splendor ascending in light.
Far down below, the cities small as a toy,
The angel ascended, a symbol of joy.
From mountain peaks dusted with glittering snow
To verdant green valleys where cool rivers flow.
As up through the heavens she did glide,
The stars in their courses appeared by her side.
The moon and the sun peered out through the clouds
To gaze at the angel as onward she vowed.
The scope of her journey was epic in scale,
Through infinite space did her wings prevail.
A glimmering speck to those watching below,
A heavenly voyage no mind could foreknow.
-by db
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