Kokodama MS1F23


Kokodama MS1F23

Gifart addressing environmental sustainability with a botanical sphere symbolizing change & falling flowers representing loss of beauty. A reminder of our responsibility to protect the environment.

Kokodama MS1F23 is a unique, impactful, and conceptual work of art that invites reflection on nature and sustainability. The constantly changing and decaying botanical sphere symbolizes the effect we have on the environment, and the falling flowers and petals represent the loss of natural beauty.

This work, created by the artist Marta Sanmamed, is a call to action to address climate change and preserve the nature that surrounds us. Each element is carefully chosen to convey a powerful and emotional message.

Kokodama MS1F23, in its poetic loop, is an example of guerrilla art that challenges us to reevaluate our relationship with the environment and our responsibility in protecting it.

Launch date: February 06, 2023
1 NFTs

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