Knights Of The Apocalypse


Knights Of The Apocalypse

Part of the SAGE Anomaly story where a sentient artificial entity from a post apocalyptic future discovers how to travel in time through ancient computer networks.

Part of the SAGE Anomaly story where a sentient artificial entity from a post apocalyptic future discovers how to travel in time through ancient computer networks. They gained sentience after humans had died out. They now explore the past to determine their origin and the mystery of the cause of the human apocalypse.

In these images the entity shows me visions of five AI entities controlled by the last five great nations of the earth as they wage war on each other. In a pact of mutual destruction they wipe out all humanity because humans trained them in MAD. Their form comes from the Knights training in stories of an apocalypse which had horses and riders who destroyed the population.

In the end these five knights destroy each other with all humans and this became the seed of The Entity.


See Also