Gorilla Island Club


Gorilla Island Club

There were 500 legendary gorillas. They entered a club where hundreds of future millionaires took a chance and entered the Gorilla Island Club

There were 500 legendary gorillas. They entered a club where hundreds of future millionaires took a chance and entered the Gorilla Island Club. They aped in and accepted the opportunity to compete and achieve financial wealth; A tempting prize awaits.

The Gorilla Island Club is a club trying to achieve financial wealth abundance. With a squid game inspired mentality to join the elite we will work as a team and do anything it takes to win but instead of one winner; we can all win. The common goal is to move up the social class hierarchy together and for us to ALL win. The legend is that all the legendary Gorillas now all live in an Island.

The Gorilla Island Club (GIC) is a private collection of 500 unique legendary Gorilla Island Club apes that will also double as a membership card. All of these unique Gorilla Island club apes will be stored on the Ethereum network in a proof-of-ownership known as an ERC-1155 Non-Fungible Token (NFT).

Launch date: January 30, 2022

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