


"Falling" symbolizes a journey among falling, vulnerability, loss of control, change, and resistance to time.

"Falling" depicts a stylized subject falling backward. It is the result of a deep process of reflection and, despite its apparent simplicity, embodies a series of complex and profound themes. First and foremost, "Falling" expresses the concept of vulnerability and uncertainty, represented by the moment of danger and defense that precedes a fall. The image of the falling subject also symbolizes the loss of control, which can be personal or situational, representing a moment when stability is lost. Moreover, the artwork introduces the theme of change and revolution, which can be of a personal or social nature. The backward fall can be interpreted as the conclusion of a cycle, the prelude to a radical transformation. The theme of failure and mistake is also present, highlighted by the image of a fall as a symbol of a failed attempt or a defeat. Finally, the artwork can be read as a symbol of the passage of time, with the backward fall representing an act of resistance, an attempt to oppose the relentless flow of time. Despite the simplicity of the image, for me "Falling" is a layered and rich representation of various themes and emotions that reflect the essence of the human condition.

Launch date: July 12, 2023
12 NFTs

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