


"Esse" is an exploration of the intersection between typography and symmetry, delving into palindromes and symbols. Each result seeks to challenge the viewer's perception, inviting them to try to place meaning into something abstract.

"Esse" is an exploration of the intersection between typography and symmetry, delving into palindromes and symbols. Each result seeks to challenge the viewer's perception, inviting them to try to place meaning into something abstract.

The diversity of elements and visual stimuli present in the work may or may not signify something. As the creator, I offer stimuli that may or may not prompt your subconscious to construct interpretations. This lies beyond both my control and yours.

I then return to Hydra - a tool that has transformed my life and will continue to do so.

A special thanks to my partner Ina, without her none of this would be possible, and to the Atelier for all the support and curation.

Created by Wiw

128 NFTs

See Also