Emoji abstraction #4


Emoji abstraction #4

Visual art, highly detailed illustration, stylized, powerful.

Visual art that incorporates emojis, the small digital icons used to express emotions and convey messages in electronic communication. Complex and highly detailed pieces that incorporate hundreds of different icons. In this collection you can find portraits, abstract designs, or even entire stories. Because emojis are so widely used and understood, they provide a universal language that can be understood by people from all over the world, regardless of their native language or cultural background. This makes emoji art an incredibly inclusive and democratic form of art that can be appreciated by anyone. Another defining feature of emoji art is its use of symbolism. Just like traditional art forms such as painting or sculpture, emoji art uses symbol and visual cues to convey meaning and emotion in a way that is both concise and powerful.

Launch date: May 11, 2023
30 NFTs

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