


Unite in cosmic combat and love! Customize your warrior, engage in thrilling space battles, and find your perfect match amid interstellar clashes. Forge alliances, conquer the stars together!

Welcome to "Eleven," the cutting-edge space matchmaking game that seamlessly blends the thrill of cosmic combat with the excitement of interstellar romance. In this dynamic gaming universe, players can forge alliances, engage in epic space battles, and find their cosmic counterparts amidst the stars.

Galactic Warfare Meets Romance: Eleven is not just about finding love; it's about conquering the cosmos with your chosen allies. Engage in exhilarating space battles alongside friends, forming powerful alliances that extend beyond the battlefield. Your skill in combat becomes the backdrop for building lasting connections.

Eleven is not just a game; it's a multifaceted experience that seamlessly integrates the excitement of space battles with the thrill of finding love in the vastness of the cosmos. Join the cosmic arena, forge alliances, and let your adventures in love and war redefine the boundaries of gaming excitement.

Launch date: April 28, 2024
5000 NFTs

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