Curious Penguins


Curious Penguins

The Curious Penguin collection of artwork is hand-drawn and digitally colored, giving them a charming and playful appearance.

Introducing The Curious Penguins NFT project, featuring illustrations from a beloved 2007 poem about science. As an owner of a Curious Penguins NFT, you will have the opportunity to shape our community-driven projects, including our efforts to promote open-source solutions and break free from the constraints of copyright and big tech. Join our community and be a part of our ongoing initiatives, such as our tree planting project and renewable-energy mail server, as well as future projects in the works.

With the advent of Web3 we are aiming to provide greater access to open standards, increased data security, scalability, and privacy for users to combat the influence of large technology companies. Built on Linux, utilizing free and open-source software solutions, Curious Penguins care not only about open standards, but also sustainability and that is why we have taken steps to find solutions to reduce our environmental impact. If you too are curious about innovation and making science open to everyone, join our community.

The artwork in the collection centers around the theme of curious penguins, with each NFT featuring a different illustration of a penguin in a whimsical and humorous setting. The artworks are all hand-drawn and digitally colored, giving them a charming and playful appearance.

One of the standout features of the Curious Penguins is the level of interactivity built into each project. There are several open-source projects that you can particpate in

Overall, the Curious Penguin project is a fun and innovative way for art enthusiasts to dive into the world of blockchain technology and digital art collecting.

Launch date: January 12, 2023
411 NFTs

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