Cisco Kid


Cisco Kid

Welcome to Cisco Kid Token. Ciscokid NFT Collection —  a unique Ciscokid NFT collection that will be tied to the Ciscokid Metaverse game...

CISCOKID Metaverse Game — Is currently in the process of developing the Ciscokid metaverse game. Follow our telegram to receive live updates and announcements.

Ciscokid NFT Collection —  a unique Ciscokid NFT collection that will be tied to the Ciscokid Metaverse game. Players who own the Ciscokid NFT’s will be able to use those NFT’s in the Ciscokid Metaverse game as a sidekick to complete certain in game missions and /or challenges. Each NFT will have its own unique attributes that can be used in the metaverse game. Much more to come as we continue to build the next world we will all reside in.

Charity Wallet — We created a Charity wallet that is designated by the community after 6 months to vote on which School globally gets financial assistance to ensure and maintain a Music Program for children. Cisco Kid believes that without music life is meaningless.

Wallets — We created a Team wallet , Marketing wallet & Dev Wallet. All these wallets have been locked in the smart contract for 6 months. At the end of the lock period. These wallets are restricted from withdrawing large amounts. Only 20% can be withdrawn at which point the wallets will be relocked for another duration of 6 months at a time. We did This is to ensure the stable pricing of $CKID.

Whale sniping — We created in our smart contract Whale snipping that prevents any one whale from withdrawing more than 0.01% of the total supply.

Burn Address (Click here to verify ) We have sent 50% of the total supply to the Burn address prior to launch. The burn address acts as a wallet holder and continues to burn CKID over time making CKID infinitely deflationary. Raising the price of CKID forever.

Liquidity Locked ( Click here to verify ) Liquidity was locked right after the burn was completed.

Rewards — All holders’ receive rewards automatically. All you have to do is be holding (CKID) in your wallet and it will automatically go up in rewards as long as you never sell.

Liquidity -Automatic liquidity is provided to pancakeswap on every transaction buy or sell.

Reserve Wallet — The public reserve wallet is set aside and locked to provide stability for all holders of Cisco Kid. Once a month after the duration of 6 months. There will be a pump that occurs to raise the floor price to CKID to reward the (Diamond Hand Holders )

Launch date: December 04, 2021

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