Chapter 1 - Alpha


Chapter 1 - Alpha

Before Time and Cosmos there was formless Chaos - dimensionless, lightless, meaningless. And then there was Alpha. And with the being of Alpha, Time began.

Before Time and Cosmos there was formless Chaos - dimensionless, lightless, meaningless.

And then there was Alpha. And with the being of Alpha, Time began.

And Alpha grew, repelling darkness with light, condensing shapeless void into matter and form, through space and through dimensions beyond those we comprehend. So, with the growth of Alpha the Cosmos was formed.

And Alpha took form and walked on the worlds it had created. And it created for itself a mate, who later became a foe.

And to our world came Alpha in the form of a great Bull, who was called Talos, and its rival took the aspect of a terrible Bear, who was called Artos. And the two are destined to fight across our world and across all the worlds of the Cosmos and in all their forms until time ends and Chaos reclaims them.

- Creed of the Cult of Talos

Created by Trevor Jones


See Also