BNB Metastagram


BNB Metastagram

Metastagram aim to create a universe for all the creators through the Revolution in Blockchain BSC, in a decentralized way.

Metastagram aim to create a universe for all the creators through the Revolution in Blockchain BSC, in a decentralized way. In the coming year, our team will develop a NFT marketplace that will open doors for collaborations, exclusivity, and profits towards the community. The Metastagram team strives to inspire a significant proportion of investors to help make Metastagram a bridge connecting the technology to sustainability. We provide early stage funding and mentoring to highly scalable green tech companies – while measuring and forecasting the positive environmental impact of a start-up as our central metric of success. The Metastagram team strives to inspire a significant proportion of investors to help make Metastagram a bridge connecting the technology to sustainability. If you are in the market for a computer, there are a number of factors to consider.

Launch date: July 22, 2023
10000 NFTs
Binance Smart Chain

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