


BirdsNBlades Is the first stage of Project aves. This collection features a limited supply 3333 of Unique pixel Avian warriors...

BirdsNBlades Is the first stage of Project aves. This collection features a limited supply 3333  of Unique pixel Avian warriors inspired in a style of Role-Playing Game-Esque and famous pop-culture characters. Developed By Polynode Studios ! The Birds are preparing for war, groups of unknown races have begun to appear within the domain of birds. What shall you do when the enemy attacks?

After completion and when every bird is minted, we will be moving towards phase 2 and our extended universe collection which will feature and reveal another two more races that will entirely classify as a separate collection.

They can be Mages, Rogues, Merchants, Paladins... BirdsNBlades Holders will exclusively hold voting rights on where the project leads to...

20% of the profits will go into a community wallet, this wallet will fund future projects within the BirdsNBlades metaverse. A portion will be used for ETH giveaways and airdrops, Genesis holders will have access to sneak peaks, secret links for project reveals and more. Each birds holder will get a discord owner role. These role holders will be given special voting privileges.


See Also