NFT of the Day February 07, 2025

Geometric Aesthetics


Geometric Aesthetics

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NFT Design Awards

NFT Design Awards is an international NFT design and development award platform that honors and showcases solo creators, studios and teams for creativity and innovation in the non-fungible token design field.

Who votes for projects?
NFTDA works with an international panel of expert judges. Winners are rewarded with official certificates, mentions in media and large industry newsletters along with thousands of daily visitors.
Why submit your project?
Every project gets its own presentation page on the platform and is thoroughly evaluated by expert judges, many of whom are collectors and investors themsleves. Every NFT has a chance to become a winner.
What benefits do winners receive?
Immediate mentions in our Discord server (50,000 members), in our weekly newsletter (30,000 subscribers) and social media accounts with more than 50,000 combined subscribers. Every NFT the Day winner will get to participate in a drawing for NFT of the Month and then potentially in a challenge for NFT of the Year, which can increase project exposure significantly.
What happens after I submit my NFT project?
Your project goes to the moderation queue. After our team approves your submission, it becomes a Nominee and gets scheduled for evaluation by judges. This process may take several days. After 10 successful evaluations by our jury, the project gets drafted to one of the upcoming days with several competing projects. Only one project from a batch becomes the NFT of the Day.
How many projects compete with each other in one batch?
Up to 15 projects.
Where can I find the Jury score for my submission?
The score will only be visible to NFT of the Day winners. We guarantee that every project will be evaluated by at least 10 judges before it gets its final score.
Are there any costs involved?
There is no cost associated for any stage of the NFT Design Awards, and nominees can withdraw their projects at any time.
How to become a Judge?
You can apply using this form.